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Home > Restore > Schedule Restore

Schedule Restore

You can schedule automated restore by setting the restore start time, days and notification options for your restore operations using the Schedule Restore option.

To schedule restore,

  1. Select the desired files/folders under the Restore tab.
  2. Click Schedule Restore.

  3. Click Yes to confirm schedule restore. 
  4. Schedule automated restore by setting the following options:
    • Restore Start Time Set the time at which your scheduled restore should start.
    • Daily schedule - To run your restore jobs daily, select this option. You can also set specific days for restore.
    • Week-Day(s) Select the days of the week on which you wish to run your backup jobs.
    • Start the Restore immediately - Select this option to start a restore job immediately.
    • Email notification - Enter your email address to receive restore status notifications.
    • Notify me on desktop - Select this option to receive restore notifications on your desktop.
    • Start the missed scheduled backup/restore when computer is turned on - On selecting this option, your missed scheduled restore jobs will start automatically once you turn on your Mac.

To manage your scheduled backup jobs,
1. Click the IBackup menu bar.
2. Click Scheduler > Manage all scheduled jobs.
3. Set the options as per your restore needs.